After the deadly hurricane Hayan in the Philipinnes in November 2013 ( worse than Katrina in the USA) the Dutch owner of a supermarket chain in Volendam , Mr Deen, pledged to help a small community of victims in Bacloban with tents and houses.. Because of the specific location of his choice it was not really possible to give a donation to the well known acute disaster relief organization, so he contacted Veerhuis Bouwsystemen Holland, a company that already in the past had developed an innovative shelter for disaster struck areas and had some experience with fast construction by its own team in close cooperation with local beneficiaries who are actively involved in the setting up of the shelters and the permanent houses. In this case the benefactor was satisfied and also Veerhuis could now again prove that they were able to carry out the job satisfactorily with the extra advantage to do a regular follow up regarding the sustainability, durability and quality of this innovative global shelter in the future. Within a few days Veerhuis placed 20 disaster shelters and 3 fully finished permanent houses. The photographs underneath show the end result of this succesfull intervention.